Saturday, April 27, 2013

Post Card

I have gotten a few messages and one indirect that there are no blog posts containing a picture of me.

So here is a postcard picture from our "veranda" at the Salvation Army Hostel in Accra.

Now a few comments you should know:

1) The other big person in the picture is Rev Joshua Heikkila from Minnesota on a 3 year mission for the PCUSA.

2) Prior to Jim taking this picture, Jim had a serious discussion with the two people in the picture about packaging the faucet water into little bags. They promised him that what they were doing were making ice bags - not drinking water bags. Still don't like the bags - they are like plastic water bottles in the US - everywhere!

3) Chalmers hates the shirt I have on - which is exactly why I wore it to see if she is paying attention to the blog.

4) Since my arrival in Africa I have been shrinking - can't you tell!

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