Friday, April 26, 2013

Krobo School for Girls

I told you about Dora in Nsawam the other day. Now meet Cecilia, the Headmistress for the Krobo School for Girls.

I am going to provide some highlights of the history and purpose of the school, but for deeper information about what they are doing go Goggle "Krobo School for Girls" and check it out.

KSG was founded in 1927 by several female missionaries from Scotland. The school started in another location than where it is now, but some time early on several girls from the Krobo region attended the school and the Chief of the village that the girls were from was so impressed with the results of the school that he gave the school a HUGE slice a land on a mountain. The compound/campus is multiple buildings (I lost count) on the mountain and is secured by the terrain and a wall.

The girls come from all over Ghana now as KSG has built a premier reputation. It's a boarding school and the girls are basically there 9 months out of the year. Although it is a "boarding school" Cecilia clearly states 2 things:

1) Boarding is not optional - because the school wants to keep the girls focused, together, and safe. As we all know there are too many distractions for teenagers these days and in Ghana it is not different - just different distractions.

2) Boarding School may denote a school for the elite of Ghana, but not in this case. A large percentage of the girls are on scholarship primarily funded by the government and churches AND wait for it...villages will pool their money and send a girl to the school.

Idlewild in considering putting in a clean water system at the school.

Here are a few pictures of the campus.

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