Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We arrived at Nsaba, about a 45 minute drive from Awisa early afternoon.

The water system is installed at a school that resides on the grounds of a large Presbytery facilities, i.e. church, etc.

This install has been not as productive as it was planned to be in the beginning - three years ago. The idea was that if you install the system and train the students clean water will get broad acceptance. It did! Initially. However, what wasn't taken into account was the turnover of the students, faculty, and administration. In other words the knowledge and motivation was lost over time and the students, etc. now don't believe they have clean water onsite and therefore bring their on water.

Good news is that the gap can be closed and that the church and school leadership are on board as to the priority of closing the gap. Jim & I have some ideas that we covered a couple with the Water Board will cover the rest with Kofi later in our trip.

Kofi headed back to Accra a little while ago, probably a 2 hour drive, and Jim and I are staying here tonight since tomorrow we are headed out not in the direction of Accra.

Kids have all just piled into the cafeteria building and even though I don't understand all the words - sound to me like any cafeteria full of kids in Memphis.

Weather was hot today, got a little shower late this afternoon that broke some of the heat - but like Memphis in July - it's humid!

Here are some pics from the school in Nsaba.

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