Sunday, April 28, 2013


After the service today we were hanging around waiting to head out to lunch and there were some kids hanging around.

So I went over and sat down in the middle of them and asked did they want to see a movie of my dog.

Last fall my son David and I took our yellow lab, Luke, over to the farm and worked Luke in preparation for duck season. We made some videos of Luke retrieving a series of bumper throws that afternoon and I have those videos on my iPad.

I have not noticed a lot of dogs in Ghana for whatever reason. The ones I do see are small.

I thought the kids might enjoy the video.

So while waiting on Rev Daniel, I sat down and showed the kids Luke in action. They loved it. I am not sure they have seen a dog that big and certainly not one doing "tricks". One little guy even said it was a lion.

So it was good kids entertainment for about 10 minutes.

Thanks Luke!

P.S. this has caused somewhat of a rift in my household as John & David feel slighted that I am showing pictures of the dog and not of them. I explained that I was demonstrating how members of my family could pickup after themselves.

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