Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 4 at CWU

Today is Saturday and my last day at CWU. I have to leave 1 day early because I an headed out for Ghana on Monday. I will miss a couple of things, but the good news is that I was able to attend all my class sessions.

I have included a few pictures of the group at breakfast, the aftermath of the Friday camp fire, and the lodge I stayed in - just so no one thought I was actually "camping" at Camp Hopewell.

I also included a picture of a fact card for those of us who don's always think about the impacts and implications of clean water.

Lastly, I included a picture of the map of Kenya (I am not going to Kenya), but there was a presbyterian minister (David) in the class from Kenya and David is from basically where Kenya meets Uganda and Tanzania. David was in the class as they is a trip in July to install a clean water unit in Kenya.

CWU was great for me. It gave me a foundation of what LWW is trying to accomplish through provisioning and sustaining of clean water systems throughout the world. The physical things I got were a certificate and a small clear stone. So, I think I am as equipped as the scarecrow and the tin man and now I just have to have the courage to follow through - stay tuned.

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