Saturday, April 27, 2013


Presbyterian Women's Centre.

This place is about as nice of a retreat center as you will find. It is on the outskirts of Accra.

Check out the URL as my pictures will not do it justice.

Built in 1992 by the women of the presbyterian church it is open for all kinds of meetings, events, etc.

The clean water system installed is a reverse osmosis system because of the salt content in the PWC bore hole. The ROS lowers the salt content in the water and eliminates the salty taste.

THe PWC served clean water to their meeting and events to the tune of 10,000 people last year.

We met and then had lunch with Esther (the Director) and Joyce (the administrator). I spent my lunch with Esther and Joyce comparing notes on teenagers - the take away - teenagers in Ghana and USA sleep a lot, eat a lot, talk on the phone a lot, and don't want to spend a lot of time with their parents.

Abokobi's clean water system doing just fine.

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