Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 3 at CWU

Friday at CWU.

Spent more time learning and interacting with the other people here at CWU. Spent most of the day in the class room learning about the importance of having a covenant (document) between the group putting in a water system, i.e. Idlewild and the group that will be operating the water system, i.e. the group in say Ghana.

Met a guy by the name of David from Kenya in the afternoon. We talked about Kenya and the wildlife there. I told him I had seen on 60 Minutes where the teeth of crocodiles glow in darkest water of the river - he confirmed that - so no swimming in the rivers with crocodiles for me.

Got a free t-shirt yesterday so another shirt to get mixed up with the boys shirts. So if anyone sees David or John with a Living Waters t-shirt - you'll know they are just beneficiaries of bad laundry sorting.

Last night we had a session where groups presented what they had learned so far, I have attached a picture from that session.

We also had our evening devotional - see picture.

Good group of people here at CWU - I told you about the guy from Kenya, a couple of guys are from Haiti, and then people from all over the US - LA, VA, NY, KS, CA, MS, AL, TN, OH, TX, NJ, and so on.

Most everyone here has a plan to put in a water system. Places they are scheduled to go are: Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Kenya, Haiti, & Cuba.

Not sure I shared the economics of a clean water system, but it costs about $2,800. It's constructed from materials & parts we (in the US) can readily find at Lowe's or a plumbing supply or swimming pool supply house.

It's pretty simple technology and costs almost nothing for the in-country operating partner to run - they just have to be committed to operating the system. I am sure that's not an easy commitment and I will find out more why next week in Ghana.

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