Monday, April 29, 2013


JIm & I took a couple of meetings this morning at the Presbyterian Church of Ghana Headquarters.

The first meeting was with the clerk of the PCG and all the PCG directors. Relationship and strategic in nature and some good discussion on the Living Waters initiatives in Ghana and worldwide.

The second meeting was with the Ghana Living Water Network Committee and the main purpose of the meeting was to review past operating results and future operating needs of the current 11 installed systems.

There is a couple on this team, the Osaes, who are highly engaged in the clean water initiative. Both are highly educated - he has his PhD and she is a successful business lady - both in their 30s.

The second half of the day we went out to Trinity Seminary and had lunch with Joy Mante the President of the Seminary and a very good friend of Gayle Walker, Associate Pastor at Idlewild.

Nice campus pictures are below.

Trinity has about 500+ students, about 150 of those are studying to be ordained and the rest are their because of their interest in theology.

After Trinity we stopped by a road side marketplace where I got to watch Jim barter a shop keeper down for some items for his grandchildren.

Samuel (our driver) and I watched how the Ghana police handled a minor fender bender. Pretty interesting - the police passed judgement on the person at fault - seized the keys to that persons vehicle and told them to pay the other driver in cash for the damages. The police told both drivers to return to the scene in a few hours where either the offending driver would pay up or lose their vehicle altogether.

Tomorrow we have a factory tour at a local bottle maker and a few odds and ends and then we start to make the journey back to Memphis.

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