Friday, April 26, 2013

Akropong - Presbyterian University Center

I thought this meeting with the PUC Water Board may have been the best to date.

Backing up a little bit, Jim learned last night that the two senior members of the board were not going to attend the meeting - both away from Akropong. At that point it felt like the meeting might be a formality.

However, the rest of the board was very engaged in the meeting and were transparent with us as to their challenges. I don't know for sure, but my guess is the group at the meeting is very close to the daily activities of the CW system and the distribution of the water,

They set the tone of the meeting by presenting us with a formal report that outlined the Operation, Scope of their Services, a segmented break down of who they are supplying water, the benefits they are seeing, etc. Blew me away.

They are filling over 200 5 gallon bottles a month - this may not sound like a lot, but given their two big constraints - it's not bad.

The two issues they have are consistent power and the need for more bottles. We talked through the challenge they have with consistent electricity and figured out through another initiative they have going with the greater presbytery, they can probably fold in a more consistent source for power.

With regard to the need for additional bottles, we think we developed a solution for that as well.

We spent some time at their water system, see pictures, allowing MIchael to troubleshoot a small problem with the way the operator was cleaning one of the filters and how the operator was keeping the daily records.

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