Wednesday, May 1, 2013


For some reason in my travels around the world, I have traveled many times with someone named Jim.

My friends Jim Greer (JG) and Jim Etzkorn (JE) have traveled with me many times. JG had to be the best ready to go guide I know. Didn't matter if JG had a month to research the location or in the case of one trip a few hours (because of a schedule change) he would get off the plane and let me know the history of the place, top 5 sites we needed to see, etc. When I traveled with JE, he always was one or two steps ahead for our next move, airport, meeting, etc. Never had to worry about the next set of travel logistics with JE - he either knew or he reminded me (a lot) that we had another move (car, plane, hotel, etc.) to make.

Now Jim Levernier (JL). Moving through Ghana, JL always gave me a briefing on the next place we were headed - name of the people, purpose of the institution, expectations for the next night's boarding, and so on.

Even this a.m. maneuvering through JFK airport in NY (btw - which is a mess) JL just flowed through all the mess like there were no issues.

I disembarked the plane here in NY before JL and waited for JL inside the airport - of course there was JL disembarking in mob of people with not only his 3 carry ons, but JL was carrying a nice size bag for a lady who was a first timer to the USA.

Every evening JL & I debriefed that day's experiences and composed our thoughts about the next day's itinerary and objectives.

Thanks JL

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words. I remember many of those trips; they included the first time I ever traveled out of the US and saw what other parts of the world were like. Terre has benefited from the trips I made with you - you should ask her!

    Glad you are safely home, and would love to hear more about your trip in person,
    Jim G
